Residents in Ealing North who live on a road inside a Controlled Parking Zone are in for another nasty surprise this year when they renew the CPZ permits or go to buy visitor permits for visitng relatives or friends.
The price of these permits have gone up for the third consecutive year. When Labour regained control of the Council in 2010, residents had become accustomed to paying £25 a year for these permits. We had frozen the charge at this level for four years.
This year they will pay £50, an increase of 100% in 3 years. The price of a visitor permit has also gone up from 40p an hour to 60p an hour.
Perivale Conservative Cllr Justin Anderson said, "if the Council wasn't spending £7m a year on Consultants, £5m on a car park in Southall, £4.8m on the Town hall and Perceval house, £3.7m on new computers and upgrades for the Council, they wouldn't need to put up these charges. The Council is spending an awful lot of money on itself and less and less on residents, but taking more from them every year. I hope residents will remember this in May 2014 when they get an opportunity to vote in the Council elections".
Madhava Turemella, a member of the Conservative Action team in Perivale was not surprised by this, "When Labour last ran the Council between 1994 and 2006, they increased Council tax by over 170%. It is no big surprise to me that they would increase parking charges by 100%".
Mounira Assoul, another member of the team agreed, "Labour are known as the anti car party and party of high taxes. We have set up a petition calling for these increase's to stop. Residents can sign our petition here".