Residents who have suffered cuts made by this council have been very understanding. They know that grants to Local councils have been cut by the Government because Labour spent all the money during their crazed 13 year spending spree, so they understand why the council need to cut some services.
The very same residents have been promised time and time again by this Labour run council that they will do all they can to protect front line services.
This week we learned that managers are considered to be more frontline than envirocrime officers, cut by half, park rangers, also cut by half. Management costs have been cut by 5% only. See here
As low as that figure looks, it is still 5% more than this Labour council has cut from Union facility time. Union facility time costs the council taxpayer £250,000 a year and has not been touched at all. See here
They dare not upset their comrades, and now it looks like the managers mustn't be upset either.