Conservative Cllr, Phil Taylor uncovered some uncomfortable information that this Labour ran council would prefer he hadn't. Cllr Taylor used the written questions procedure to find out how much garden waste the council had collected in May 2011 compared to May 2012.
The Labour group hate this procedure because it means they have to give written answers to questions they don't want to answer and they get published on the councils website. Verbal answers would be easier because they could deny they said exactly what you pointed out they said.
In May 2011 the Council collected 704 tonnes of Garden waste, compared to 280 tonnes in May 2012. The Conservative group in council put this down to Labour charging residents and extra £40 to have garden waste taken away.
This week we heard what Labour think. Apparently it has rained a lot so there is less garden waste. Most people would think that rain would encourage growth and result in more Garden waste.
Labour clearly don't. Next they will be telling us that the rain in Spain falls mainly in Ealing!