Last week at full Council, the Conservative group had put down a motion for debating compensating council taxpayers for the very poor Rubbish and recycling service they had received from the council for two months now.
It was to be debated at the beginning of the meeting, but the Labour group in council moved it to the bottom of the agenda. We called for a vote on this and lost, as every Labour Cllr voted to move it down the agenda, in the knowledge that there wouldn't be time to debate this, as we would have ran out of time.
If it hasn't been debated by 9.30pm, it's not going to be debated. After 8.30pm, our whip, Cllr Mark reen called for another vote on a motion, which was to move onto the next item, which was the debate mentioned above.
Again, every single Labour Cllr voted against this. So, they had two opportunities to debate whether or not council taxpayers should be compensated for the very poor service they had received, even though they continued to still pay for a good service.
If BT, or any of the other Utility providers had failed to provide you with a level of service that you had paid for, they would compensate you for that. It looks like Ealing Labour think you are entitled to whatever level of service they provide you with, good or bad.