Last week has not just been a long week for Ealing council, as they are ultimately responsible for ensuring that our rubbish is collected in a timely manner, and our recyclables are too, it has been a long week for residents too.
By yesterday, Campbell road in Hanwell hadn't had anything collected in almost 13 days.
Residents in Shakespeare road in Hanwell had their rubbish collected today, but were still waiting for last weeks recycling to be collected.
This has been a mess from day one and the buck stops with this Labour council. The leader of the council has tried very hard everyday to report streets that have not been collected but his efforts seem to be in vain, as streets reported to him 5 or 6 days ago still have not been collected.
Council taxpayers are entitled to ecpect that the rubbish is collected when it is due to be collected, not when the council is ready.
They are also entitled to expect that the recyclables that they have seperated out from their rubbish, is recycled properly, not thrown in the back of a van, mixed in with other materials.
The council needs to sort this mess out now. Another week of this would be too much for residents to suffer. Once the service is running properly, there needs to be an investigation into what went wrong.
This needs to be held in public, preferably at Overview and Scrutiny committee, and the results published too, so residents don't feel they are being ignored.