Just when you thought it was safe to go out again, in the hope of seeing your rubbish collected on time, and your street swept, after the rubbish crews have collected your rubbish, Conservative Cllrs have uncovered some very worrying news.
September this year has seen over 4504 missed collections of your rubbish and recycling in the borugh compared to 1027 in September 2011. That's 300% higher than last years figure.
Flytips are also higher, 441 during September 2011, 507 this September, not including the garden waste that residents manage to sneak out in there balck bags which ends up in landfill.
In September 2011 the Council recycled 1,046 tonnes of garden waste, this September they recycled 557 tonnes. Maybe that explains the fact that only 5,640 roads were deemed to be cleaned to the highest standard this September compared to 7,422 in September 2011.
All these extra flytips, missed collections, roads being swept before the rubbish is collected and garden waste being left all over the place is now being seen to affect the number of clean streets we have.
Conservative Cllr Justin Anderson said, "Ealing Labour have claimed everything is back to normal now with the rubbish and recycling collections, with the leader of the Council going so far as to say residents aren't justified in complaining. It is clear from their own answers to our questions that this is just not true".
Labour have left our streets in a mess again.