Questions are being asked about Labour's Perivale Cllr Rennie who has not being seen at a council meeting since 27th September. Angry residents at a recent Perivale Ward Forum are demanding to know where Cllr Rennie has been all this time, and why he not representing their interest as he is paid to do and was elected to do.Cllr Justin Anderson, Conservative Perivale Councillors said:“I too would like to know where my fellow ward Councillor has disappeared to. It may very well be the case that Cllr Rennie is unwell and if that is the case, I would be the first to wish him a speedy recovery.However, by refusing to confirm or deny the rumours that Cllr Rennie is in fact in Bangalore, the Labour party is only allowing the misconception that all Councillors are only interested in taking the money, but not doing the work and this is regrettable. Cllr Rennie has missed a number of important meetings, despite taking his full Councillor allowance to represent his residents. Many residents would expect that if he's not doing the work, he shouldn't get paid.Cllr Rennie certainly owes his residents who pay his wages and colleagues an explanation.” This is just another example of Labour not working.