Labour nationally have accused the Conservative led Coalition of cutting to far and too fast. Labour locally are doing exactly that in Ealing.
The Government cut the grant to Ealing by approximately £55-56m. Labour are cutting £85m. That's £30m more than they need to cut.
On top of this, they underspent by £9m last year and expect to underspend again. No one would have a problem with that if they put the money back in, but they aren't doing that.
All the cuts will be on top of the underspend. Coincidentally, the cuts to the Adult Services and Children Services budget is £8.9m.
Cllr Colm Costello said of the cuts, "Residents will struggle to undersatnd why Labour are cutting services to the most vulnerable residents in the borough, when they don't need to. So do I".
What kind of legacy will this Labour administration leave in Adult and Children Services in Ealing when they are done.