Local Conservative Cllr Justin Anderson works hard for his constituents and enjoys it. However over the last 4-5 months he noticed that he was getting more enquiries than usual.
He also noticed that one of his ward colleagues, Labour Cllr Ed Rennie didn't seem to be attending ward forum meetings or any other Council meetings for that matter.
Cllr Anderson said, " I enjoy helping residents with their problems, but am not happy to do my ward colleagues work too while he is out of the Country and getting paid the same amount as I am, but for doing nothing. I think that the Leader of the Council should claw back Cllr Rennies money and then add it to the Perivale Ward Forum budget, so that the people who Cllr Rennie let down the most get some benefit from this whole sorry episode".
Cllr Anderson went on to say, "the Leader of the Council needs to explain why he was happy to use Council taxpayers money to pay one of his own friends for doing nothing. He is closing down day care centres for vulnerable residents, claiming the Council has no money, but is happy to pay Cllr Rennie 5 months wages for doing nothing. It's an absolute disgrace and just another example of Jobs for the boys. It's time the Leader of the Council told the residents of Perivale, how mcuh he knew about this, how long he knew it and what has he done about this if he has done anything at all".