Former leader of the Council and Greenford Green Cllr, Jason Stacey asked Cllr Mahfouz, the Labour Transport cabinet member how much it would cost the council to join the 51M group, the lobbying group against HS2.
You won't be surprised to hear that we did not get a full answer or even and answer. Cllr Mahfouz told us all that all options were still on the table, all doors were still open but he didn't want to sign any blank cheques, he did want to do best by the residents.
The only thing he didn't say was, it's a game of two halves. He waffled on and on, did not tell us what the cost would be and did not say whether or not Labour would join 51M. Then he sat down.
Cllr Stacey followed up with another question that Cllr Mahfouz was not expecting. He had notice of the first question but not the follow up question..
You get to ask a supplementary question if you are not satisfied with the answer you got to your first question. Cllr Stacey asked if Cllr Mahfouz would support Greenford Green ward if they joined 51M using ward forum funds.
The colour left Cllr Mahfouz's cheeks. He was clearly stumped. He didn't answer that question either. "I can't stop you doing that if you want to" was all we could get out of him.
What this all proves is that Ealing Labour have no plans to join 51M and never had, even though Cllr Mahfouz promised to if the decision on HS2 went against the council.
Labour it seems have done nothing to protect the residents most affected by this, and it would appear they have no plans to do anything either.