A written question to the Council about missed rubbish collections has revealed that in April of this year the council recorded 8094 missed collections of rubbish and recycling in the borough. In april 2011 the figure was 900.
These are recorded once someone rings in and tells the council that their rubbish or recycling has not been picked up. It is not unreasonable to assume that for every call the council recorded, 4 or 5 people didn't ring in about their rubbish not being collected.
Especially if you consider that the advice the coucnil was giving in the first week, which was, if your whole street was missed, there was no need to report it at all. So the real figure is at least 40,000.
These figures make for depressing reading and shows how bad the problems were in April. Cllr Justin Anderson of Perivale ward said, "The leader of the council was wrong to say that residents need to put things into perspective.
It is not residents who need to do this, it is the leader of the council who needs to. He has denied that the problems were as bad as residents said they were and now he has been found out".